Advanced GitHub actions features
Debugging GitHub action runs
GitHub actions can be tricky to debug when documentation fails to build, which is why cookiecutter dash docset includes mxschmitt/action-tmate.
The action will print out a command that allows you to ssh into the action environment so that you can debug failed runs.
How do I trigger a GitHub Actions workflow dispatch?
Go to the Actions
section of your repository.
Select the Build docs
Select Run workflow
Fill in the variables needed
and click Run workflow
to launch the new run.
If we want to launch the tmate debugging session—
we can fill in true
under Run the build with tmate debugging enabled
By default,
a debugging session will run if Build docs
is triggered on a workflow dispatch,
Run the build with tmate debugging enabled
is set to true
and a failure occurs in the actions steps.
Manually triggering a documentation build
A new version release of the documentation's library
signals to this project
that the docset is new
and should be contributed to Kapeli/Dash-User-Contributions.
You can also trigger this event manually.
Similarly to Debugging GitHub action runs,
launching an action via workflow dispatch
with Manually trigger doc build and release.
set to true
will force the contribution steps to run
regardless of whether the library version has changed.
This is useful for when you initially create your repository and want to immediately contribute a new docset without having to wait for a new release.